Home > Solid Waste Management > Sustainable Solid Waste Campus

The Future of Solid Waste in Miami-Dade

Miami-Dade County produces over five million tons of waste annually, and it’s critical that we have the right infrastructure to meet the needs of our growing community and sustainably manage our waste now and into the future. Miami-Dade is developing a modern Sustainable Solid Waste Campus to update our waste system with cutting-edge technologies that protect both people and the environment.

Many countries around the world including Japan, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and France rely heavily on waste-to-energy production – in fact, 15% of waste globally is processed via waste-to-energy. Our new Sustainable Solid Waste Campus will be a state-of-the-art facility that diverts significant waste from landfills and converts solid waste into clean energy while following rigorous environmental and air quality standards to protect our community.

Project and Process

The timeline for establishing the new waste-to-energy facility ranges from seven to 10 years, contingent upon the chosen site.

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Airport West is the site currently recommended by the Miami-Dade County administration.


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