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Medical Examiner

We provide accurate, timely, dignified, compassionate and professional death investigative services for the residents of Miami-Dade County, together with education, consultation and research for local and national medical, legal, academic and law enforcement communities.

Programs & Services

Search for deceased persons brought to the Medical Examiner.

Medical examiner case files, statistical data or research related to medical examiner cases can be requested. On-site research is also available.

Public and private attorneys can request Medical Examiner Department reports or staff assistance related to court appearances.

To get a death certificate, contact the Miami-Dade County Health Department.

Receive forensic pathology training through the Medical Examiner's accredited one-year program.

If you know someone who is missing, you can search the Medical Examiner Database and the National Unidentified Persons Database.

Certain deaths must be brought to the attention of the Medical Examiner by the physician.

Questions Funeral Directors should ask of the Certifying Physician.

Final disposition for those who can't afford a private funeral.

Workshops & Seminars

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Image of a room

Methods of discovery and documentation relating to death investigation, crime scene and general photography are covered in detail along with related biomedical and forensic photography techniques.

A stethoscope and gavel placed on top of a book.

Five-day training courses are offered several times a year in the medical and legal aspects of death.


Specialized methods on how to get fingerprints from a body in different states of composition

About Us

Through the use of forensic pathology we combine the efforts of legal and law enforcement investigations with those of medicine and science to ascertain the facts surrounding deaths, particularly the cause and manner of death.

On a daily basis we provide personal services to bereaved next-of-kin who call and visit us seeking help. Each decedent draws an investigating police agency as a consequence of the jurisdiction in which the death occurs, and each decedent will be followed by family members.

We provide low-cost disposition for abandoned, unclaimed human remains and for deceased members of indigent Miami-Dade County families.

We also host forensic seminars for professionals and students from around the world.


Florida Medical Examiner System

Florida statutes place certain categories of death under medical examiner jurisdiction. Generally medical examiners investigate all non-natural deaths within their districts as well as a small number of natural deaths as outlined in the statutes. Florida Statute 406 and Administrative Code 11-G.

The Miami-Dade Medical Examiner corresponds with the 11th judicial district. Learn more about the statewide system:

Organ & Tissue Donation

In a concerted effort to provide patients much needed organ and tissue transplants, the ME cooperates closely with: