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Countywide Survey

The Thrive305 survey was the largest, most representative public issues-oriented survey in County history.

In February 2021, Thrive305 launched a countywide survey to understand resident needs, concerns, and priorities around six key themes. The survey, which was created in close collaboration with County departments and the Civic Partners, was designed to assess what residents see as the most pressing challenges and to help identify the types of solutions to these challenges with the widest support from County residents.

The survey, which was conducted on, was available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole, the three official languages of Miami-Dade County, and distributed both online as well as in person and over the phone through the canvassing effort led by the Civic Data Partners.
3,600+ residents reached by Thrive305 Civic Data Partners...
26,400+ surveys complete...
1 million question responses collected...
Through digital outreach and canvassing, the survey reached a largely representative sample of County residents across various demographic characteristics such as race, age, income, and gender as compared to population data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates.

Given the survey’s countywide reach and the demographic representation achieved, not only are its findings valid for the purpose of informing County prorities, the results are already informing the work of this administration. This survey helped shape the Mayor’s Peace and Prosperity Plan, a $7.8 million public safety plan, approved by the Board of County Commissioners in June 2021. Data from the survey is also guiding ongoing programs, from housing and parks to transportation and economic development.