Private Sanitary Sewer Operating Systems & Private Utilities Sanitary Sewer Systems
The Username has been changed.
Starting today you
type your Username as follows:
1. Do not type the leading zeros.
2. If you have only one Pump Station or multiple, you must
add the letter A
at the end of the Username.
Example 1:
if you are Username is
, now you must type
Example 2:
if you are Username is
, now you must type
3. If multiple Pump Stations, after log-in, the application will activate the Pump Station Number box where you can select your Pump Stations.
4. The Password remains the same.
For any questions about the electronic submittal of the Elapsed Time (ET) readings call 305-372-6486.
Sewer System Evaluation Survey (SSES) Annual Report
For the "Make a Selection:" section, read the instructions below to decide which applies to your permit.
1. If you select "Private Sanitary Sewer Collection System (No Pump Stations)", you must type your PSO Permit Number: Example: 201, 301, etc.
2. If you select "99", you must type the Pump Station Number without the prefix "99-". Example: In the field below, you would type 100A, 100B, 100C, etc.,
if you have multiple Pump Stations. You must complete
Survey for each Pump Station in your Permit.
3. If you select “66” or “77”, you must type the Pump Station Number as it appears in the DERM’s WEB Application for Reporting ET Filings, without the
prefix “66-” or “77-”. You must complete
Survey for each Pump Station in your Permit.
• Example for “77”: In the field below, you would type UM01A, UM02B, etc., for each Pump Station.
• Example for “66”: In the field below, you would type AV001A, AV002A, etc., for each Pump Station.
Make a Selection:
99 - Private Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems (With 1 or more Pump Stations)
Private Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems (No Pump Stations)
66 - Americana Village
77 - University of Miami
Enter your Permit #:
• Read more about
Non-Utility Sanitary Sewer Operating Permits