Available Infill Housing Program Lots for Affordable Housing

Showing 61-70 (151)

The below list will show a qualified first-time buyer a list of parcels being developed with brand new single-family homes. If you are interested in purchasing a home please contact the Infill home Developer for additional information.
Please also, review all the other information on the Public Housing and Community Development site to address other questions and requirements of the Infill Housing Program, that you may have.

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Folio Location District Bed Bath Developer Contact Telephone Email
0131130241730 600 NW 69 ST 3 COLLECTIVE DEVELOPERS, LLC Antonio Tony Prado 305-773-0178 [email protected]
3031010130440 596 NW 101 ST 3 COLLECTIVE DEVELOPERS, LLC Antonio Tony Prado 305-773-0178 [email protected]
0131130421250 5532 NW 6 AVE 3 NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION, INC. Leroy Jones (305) 756-0605 [email protected]
3021070120840 5446 NW 169 TER 1 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 [email protected]
1078130360980 544 SW 6 AVE 9 GPI MGMT, LLC Cipriano Garza (305) 498-8752 [email protected]
3031220000071 5032 NW 24 AVE 3 NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION, INC. Leroy Jones (305) 756-0605 [email protected]
0131230060710 5028 NW 8th AVE 3 MOUNT SINAI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Johnny L. Barber 305-751-5846 [email protected]
3421050165240 4640 NW 185 ST 1 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 [email protected]
3031210000290 4615 NW 31 CT 3 COLLECTIVE DEVELOPERS, LLC Antonio Tony Prado 305-773-0178 [email protected]
1078130360200 428 SW 6 TER 9 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 [email protected]