Available Infill Housing Program Lots for Affordable Housing

Showing 91-100 (151)

The below list will show a qualified first-time buyer a list of parcels being developed with brand new single-family homes. If you are interested in purchasing a home please contact the Infill home Developer for additional information.
Please also, review all the other information on the Public Housing and Community Development site to address other questions and requirements of the Infill Housing Program, that you may have.

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Folio Location District Bed Bath Developer Contact Telephone Email
3411340060300 20832 NW 23 CT 1 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 palmettohomes1@bellsouth.net
0821220031530 2083 Ali Baba AVE 1 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 palmettohomes1@bellsouth.net
0821220031520 2081 Ali Baba AVE 1 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 palmettohomes1@bellsouth.net
0821220031510 2073 Ali Baba AVE 1 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 palmettohomes1@bellsouth.net
0821220031500 2071 Ali Baba AVE 1 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 palmettohomes1@bellsouth.net
0821220031490 2061 ALI BABA AVE 1 PALMETTO HOMES OF MIAMI, INC. Ariovistus Lundy 305-216-0827 palmettohomes1@bellsouth.net
3031150140380 1961 NW 55 ST 3 House Park, LLC / Formerly: HOUSE PARK INVESTMENTS, LLC Vicente Roversi (786) 298-9914 vrm@hparkinvest.com
3421050140930 19365 NW 45 AVE 1 34 WAYS FOUNDATION, INC. Michael Mckenzie (786) 218-3112 michaelmckenziesr@gmail.com
3031030191090 1907 NW 95 ST 2 SOARING TO ACHIEVE RESULTS SYS. DEV. CTR, INC. Dr. Erika N. Carter-Rolle 305-984-0858 erollemodel@gmail.com
3031150055250 1876 NW 68 ST 3 NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION, INC. Leroy Jones (305) 756-0605 ndavis@nanafl.org