Qualified Products List (QPL) |
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| | | Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works | Alice N. Bravo, PE Director DTPW | Alejandro Barrios,, Assistant Director of Construction | Frank Aira Traffic Signals & Signs Division (TSS) | The Miami-Dade County (MDC) Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) Traffic Signals and Signs Division’s Qualified Products List (TSSQPL) is a listing of the traffic control signals or devices including flashers, beacons, variable message, feedback signs and related components and materials currently accepted by PWWM for installation in MDC public right-of way, government facilities, and properties open to public travel within the jurisdictional boundaries of MDC including all municipalities, unincorporated areas, state roads, and MDX toll-way on/off ramp intersections. Only those products currently listed in the TSSQPL, or submitted to and approved in writing by PWWM for addition to the TSSQPL, are allowed to be installed in MDC. | MDC requires that certain devices and materials adhere to more stringent specifications than may be required by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for listing in the FDOT Approved Products List (APL) and as such, not all products listed in the FDOT APL may qualify for addition to the TSSQPL. With regards to those products, the TSSQPL is intended to be a subset of the FDOT APL and provides the FDOT APL Certification Number as a reference. Items that do not require FDOT APL certification are noted “N/A” and the approval date is the County’s TSSQPL approval date. The TSSQPL follows, wherever possible, the Section numbering used in the FDOT “Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction”. | Contact Nahum Fernandez, Traffic Control Standards and Specifications Coordinator at [email protected] with regards to any questions concerning the TSSQPL approval process or to report discrepancies, errors, or omissions noted in the TSSQPL.
| Product Consideration and Evaluation Process | All contractors, manufacturers or suppliers within the state of Florida who intend to sell or install a transportation device (as described in s. 316.0745, Florida Statute) must first obtain approval through the FDOT APL approval process prior to its sale or installation. Additional information is available at the FDOT website: | | To begin the process for DTPW evaluation of a product for inclusion in the TSSQPL, the applicant must complete a DTPW Request for Product Consideration form and follow the steps below:
Step 1 Request For Product Consideration:
A. FDOT APL listed Traffic Control Signals and Devices (and related ancillary system equipment):
1) The applicant may submit a written request to DTPW to consider adding to the TSSQPL a product that has been approved by FDOT and listed on the FDOT Approved Product List (APL). The written request package must include a completed Request for Product Consideration form and the following minimum attachments:
a) Copy of the complete APL application made to FDOT including all supporting documentation and copies of all correspondences to and from FDOT with regards to the Application. Include itemized costs for a complete and operable installation; and maintenance requirements and parts needed for a 10 year maintenance cycle.
b) Certification along with supporting documents from the manufacturer certifying that the product meets all applicable DTPW specifications and Florida Building Code requirements that pertain to all areas of the County (e.g. wind loads, flood elevation requirements, etc.). Manufacturer must detail any additional requirements necessary for product use and installation in the County, identify recommended mounting hardware necessary for meeting applicable wind load requirements, and detail potential concerns regarding use or installation considering regional environmental factors (e.g. high temperature and humidity, seasonal heavy precipitation, etc.)
c) Detailed manufacturer’s warranty documents. | 2) The complete request package must be submitted in both hardcopy and electronic format (PDF) be neatly organized in a binder and include tab-separated sections as listed above. The binder must also contain a CD or other storage device that includes all contents in an electronic format (PDF).
3) Upon review of the written request, the DTPW may require that the applicant provide additional information directly from manufacturer to include supplemental product literature, specifications, datasheets, evaluation, inspection, and in-house or independent lab testing results to meet all applicable specifications.
4) Do not submit the actual product for evaluation until directed by DTPW in response to this request for product consideration. Upon notification from DTPW, submit the product in accordance with the requirements for submittal of product for evaluation in Section C below.
| B. For products that are not required by FDOT to be listed on the FDOT APL:
1) Manufactured products that are not required by FDOT to be listed on the FDOT APL but that are required to meet FDOT and DTPW specifications for use in the County, must also be approved by the DTPW prior to use. The applicant may submit a written request to DTPW to consider adding to the TSSQPL such a product. The written request package must include a completed Request for Product Consideration form and include the following:
a) Production Information (Name of Product; Description of major components; List of material required for operation including hardware, software, firmware, cables, etc.; Manufacturer’s device specifications; Electronic image of device; Device drawing or cut sheets; Assembly and installation instructions; Operation manual; Material Safety Data Sheet if applicable; Warranty information; Trouble-shooting and service manual; Compliance matrix; Circuit board schematics or block diagrams if applicable; Parts list; Test data as required in compliance matrix; and Recommended Use).
b) Listing of all Federal, State, and Miami-Dade County specifications applicable to the product.
c) Documentation pertaining to other FDOT approvals or listings (e.g. FDOT QPL) for the product
| 2) The application package must be neatly organized in a binder and include tab-separated sections as listed above. The binder must also contain a CD or other storage device that includes all contents in an electronic format (PDF).
3) Upon review of the written request, the DTPW may require that the applicant provide additional information directly from manufacturer to include supplemental product literature, specifications, datasheets, evaluation, inspection, and in-house or independent lab testing results to meet all MDC specifications.
4) Upon notification from DTPW, submit the product in accordance with the requirements for submittal of product for evaluation in Step 2 below.
| Step 2 Product Evaluation (You Will Be Directed When To Start This Step):
1) Upon notification from DTPW, submit the product to the Traffic Control Standards and Specifications Coordinator, DTPW TSS Division, 7100 NW 36 Street, Miami, FL 33166.
2) The device must be a fully functional production unit with all accessory components necessary to power-up and fully operate the product. All costs including freight and shipping is borne by the applicant. No product will be returned to the applicant unless previously requested in writing prior to evaluation with return shipping paid and arranged by the applicant.
3) Some product may be irreversibly damaged during the evaluation process. Any damage to any product due to any aspect of the evaluation process will in no way be cause for claim or payment by MDC unless stipulated and agreed upon in writing by MDC prior to the start of the process.
Step 3 Listing in the TSSQPL:
Upon successful completion of the steps 1 and 2 above and DTPW acceptance, the product will be listed in the TSSQPL subject to continued compliance with its conditions for acceptance. Any modifications made to the product must be reviewed and approved by the DTPW (and FDOT for APL listed items) prior to sale or use of the modified product. Failure to do so may cause removal of the device from the TSSQPL. At the sole discretion of the DTPW, the TSSQPL will be updated as warranted to address changes, corrections, additions, and deletions.
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