Revised Date: 10/01/2022 |
= High Annual Monthly Average; the PS has a month average of 15.0 hrs or larger within the last 12-months |
HAMA Event |
= The PS has at least one month average run time (MART) of 15.0 hrs, or larger, within the last 12-months |
= Monthly Average Run Time |
= Remedial Action Plan |
C/O |
= Certificate of Occupancy |
"H" |
A status ending in H indicates that the HAMA is greater than 15.0 hrs. |
The letter "C " at the beginning of the Code means a "CONDITIONAL" Status |
AC / FN |
Approved Corrected / Finished No-Allocations: Once the utility certifies that the RAP is complete, the PS status will be changed to AC if the last MART is less than 10.0 hrs, OR if equal or larger than 10.0 hrs.…. |
changed to FN if the most recent reading is greater than 10.0 hrs, |
The station status date is set to the current date, at the time when the moratorium is changed from Conditional status to AC. |
The station is automatically checked daily for 12 months after the RAP Certification. |
PS database checks the Projected NAPOT after 12 months of the certification IF the projected NAPOT is less than 10.0 hrs., the station status is changed to OK, otherwise is changed to AM |
Unconditional allocations may be issued without restrictions when the station is under AC status. |
No allocations may be issued when the station under FN status. |
AH / FH |
Approved HAMA / Finished HAMA: After the utility certifies the RAP as been complete (AC), the PS status will be changed to AH if there is a HAMA within the last 12 months, OR |
to FH if the last MART is equal or larger than 10.0 hrs. |
Unconditional allocations may be issued without restriction when the station under AH status, except for those allocations subject to HAMA restrictions. |
No allocations may be issued when the station under FH status. |
System will automatically check the Projected NAPOT after 12 months of the certification of the RAP. If the projected NAPOT is less than or equal to 10.0 hrs., the station is automatically changed to OK or OH status, if there is a HAMA event, otherwise the station is placed under AM. |
AM |
Absolute Moratorium: The station has shown to have inadequate capacity if the Projected NAPOT is equal or above 10.0 hrs. after 12 months from the certification of the RAP. |
This moratorium status is changed automatically. |
No allocations are allowed until the utility demonstrates that the station has adequate capacity. That is, the PS MARTs are below the 10.0 hrs. during the dry and wet season months. |
The Utility must submit a New RAP within 30-days from the date it was changed into AM. |
Conditional Moratorium: The PS will be changed to CM status if the station is under IM and the RAP is submitted and approved, and there is no HAMA within the last 12-months. |
New allocations may be granted conditional to the completion and certification of the proposed work to lower the monthly average hours |
If the Projected NAPOT for the station is less than 12.0 hours, some unconditional allocations may be issued |
CM |
within the limits described for Fill-in allocations. |
After the RAP work is completed and certified, all conditional allocations issued while the station was under CM status are cleared to receive a certificate of occupancy. |
If there is a HAMA within the last 12-months, the system will change the moratorium status to CH. |
CH |
Conditional HAMA: The station is changed to CH status when a station is under CM and there is a HAMA event within the last 12-months. |
No certificate of occupancy may be issued for the work permitted under CH until the RAP is completed and certified by the utility. |
Once the RAP work is certified, all conditional allocations issued while the station under CH status may be released for use (CO’ed). |
If the Projected NAPOT for the PS is less than 12.0 hours, some unconditional allocations may be issued within the limits described for Fill-in allocations. |
Projects involving a Sewer Extension within the public right-of-way may require a Peak Flow Capacity Study by the utility, as per HAMA restrictions. |
The PS will stay in this status until changed automatically by the PS Database, if there are no HAMA events within the last 12-months. |
CN |
Conditional New: This status indicates that the PS is new and/or under construction. |
The PS record is created in the database to allow for Conditional allocations to be issued while the PS is under construction. |
No C/Os may be released for the projects permitted while the PS was under CN, until the PS is certified complete (SE Certification) by the utility/applicant/owner. |
The PS moratorium status is changed manually from CN to OK after the new PS construction is certified complete (SE Certified). |
Only Conditional Allocations may be issued for projects while the receiving PS is under CN status. |
IM |
Initial Moratorium: A station is placed automatically under IM when the NAPOT or Projected NAPOT are larger than or equal to10.0 hrs. and the PS previous moratorium was OK. |
The utility, or station owner, shall submit a RAP within 30 days to bring the station back in compliance with the federal criteria of less than 10.0 hrs. |
Certifications (allocations) will not be issued while the PS is under IM status. |
IN |
Incomplete: PSs may be placed into IN status by the computer if there are no ET readings provided for the previous month. |
IN status indicates that DERM has not no information to determine if the station has adequate capacity. |
When the missing ET readings are provided, the station status is reverted accordingly. |
No new allocations will be issued until the owner/operator corrects this condition. |
OK |
OK Moratorium: The PS under compliance with Chapter 24 and EPA Regulations (NAPOT and Projected NAPOT are less than 10.0 hrs). |
PSs are switched from AC to OK if after the 12-months of completion and certification of the proposed RAP the NAPOT and Projected NAPOT are less than 10.0 hrs. and |
There are no HAMA events for the last 12-months. |
Sewer Capacity Certification (a.k.a. Allocations) may be issued without conditions, if the PS is back into OK status and all other downstream PSs are not under some other moratorium. |
OH |
OK-HAMA: The Projected NAPOT for the station is less than 10.0 hrs and there is a HAMA event within the last 12-months. |
The PS Database automatically checks if there is a HAMA event within the last 12-months. |
Unconditional allocations are allowed up to 10.0 hrs. for the Projected NAPOT, except for allocations subject to HAMA restrictions. |
HAMA restrictions require a Peak Flow Capacity Study (PFCS) by the utility. |
The PS database will automatically revert the status to "OK" if there are no HAMA events within the last 12months. |
TM |
Temporary Moratorium: This moratorium status is set manually for various cases. |
TM status applies to cases involving: * Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs), * Non-Compliance with SSES, * Non-Compliance with CMOM requirements, & * Other (not automatically placed by the PS Database). |
No allocations may be issued while the station under TM status. |
The TM can only be reverted manually by staff when the utility has completed/addressed/corrected all the corrective actions that triggered the TM status. |
DE |
Decommissioned: The PS has been removed; No longer exists. |